Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New focus question

Today when trying to make more advances with our research project, we found it challenging to find the information that was needed. As a result, we have decided to take a different approach and made our question more focused. Kaira has been successful in finding a ton of information on Mining and the shift of the island. We still are interested by this and want to have more of the project focused in these areas.
Our new research question is this:

How did the Japanese Earthquake affect the physical landscape of the country especially in relation to the shift of the island, mining, and building structures?

We plan to gather general information on what caused the earthquake looking into plate tectonics, boundaries, ect.
From this we will look into the physical shift of the island. How it shifted, where, by how much ect.
This leads to the idea about mining. How the mines were affected, the chemical process of iodine - being the dominant industry. We will also look into how the mines are structured. If they are prepared for earthquakes or not, ect.
We are also going to look into the structure of buildings. How they are prepared for earthquakes, why they didn't make it through the earthquake.

We are going to put these areas together today and see if this new focus brings us more information and success.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Starting up

Research Question: How did the shift of the island affect the ecosystems and biodiversity of Japan?

  • What caused the shift of the island
  • To what extent did it move
  • in what direction
  • what were they like before the earthquake and tsunami
  • What are they like now
  • How will this benefit or cause harm to the country
Break down of investigation:
1. shifting and mining
2. agriculture/fisheries
3. forestry
4. bio diversity

Today we met and decided our research question and what our project would need to include in order for each member of the group to feel interested and excited about exploring the topic.
We have broken the topic down into sections for each individual to explore so that in our next meeting we can share the information we have collected and further understand our research question.